Generator Expressions
CMake provides a powerful construct known as a generator expression. Unfortunately, their documentation leaves a lot to be desired and does little to explain why one would even bother to use generator expressions over raw CMake scripts.
This section will explain the why, and to act as a supplement to CMake's documentation. Additionally, it will provide more useful code samples of generator expressions that have been put into production, and influenced IXM's design.
Why Use Them?
To answer this question, we need to understand the "execution contexts" a typical CMake execution will perform. Namely these are configure and generate, wherein CMake generates the files necessary for your build system to execute. The biggest issue CMake has, is that its configure stage is single threaded. However, it's generate stage is able to perform multithreading.
As a result, CMake's generator expressions can be viewed as a very weird syntax for pure functional programming during the generation stage. This might be hard to grasp. However, when looking at the APIs for generator expressions provided to users by CMake, we see that generator expressions:
- Cannot mutate values. They can only return new objects.
- They cannot read from the configuration state, or the machine's state.
In other words, if you treat generator expressions as "Lisp S-expressions, but worse", you will have an easier time of understanding their behavior.
The more interesting aspect of all of this, however, is that it allows developers of complex CMake based projects to provide basic set_property(TARGET)
values for users that can then turn into more complex operations or API calls, while not slowing the build system down.
When To Use?
At first glance, it might not seem obvious when to use a generator expression. Thankfully, the answer is quite simple: Anything that can be calculated at the generation step of CMake should. Only in rare cases will users discover that a property for a target cannot be set or calculated with a generator expression.
Additionally, generator expressions are able to be used as parameters to some constructs such as target_sources
, add_custom_target
, and add_custom_command
, as well as commands such as file(GENERATE)
, where a generator expression will execute at generation time and participate in target dependency validation (i.e., the generation step will fail if the file was not generated correctly).
Sometimes users can provide custom property settings for an already existing generator expression. For example, gcc
and clang
support a -Wformat
flag that takes the value of an integer. If someone were writing boilerplate to create a target and set some defaults for downstream users, they could expose a property on these targets. This is a better approach than having users remember exactly what -Wformat
value to use, and explicitly requiring them to set it in all cases.
For example, if we defined the following code
function (add_boilerplate_library name)
# We're using this `set()` call here to reduce the width of the code
# shown.
set(is-gnu $<COMPILE_LANG_AND_ID:CXX,AppleClang,Clang,GNU>)
target_compile_features(${PROJECT_NAME} PUBLIC cxx_std_23)
Then downstream users could simply do the following:
# Users can now override the `WARN_FORMAT` property.
This type of usage is discussed in more detail below under Custom Properties, as there are some edge cases developers should be aware of when writing boilerplate functions like above, as well as "best behavior" that should be followed when using custom target properties.
The install()
command also has some fields that support generator expressions. This means users can configure some install()
behavior even if that behavior is not exposed to them explicitly, but doesn't require them to have full knowledge of how to call install()
Multi-line Expressions
As CMake states in the Whitespace and Quoting section in the generator expression documentation, generator expressions are parsed after command arguments. As a result, placing a space or some other command argument separator can cause CMake and the generator expression to fail entirely.
CMake's documentation alludes that users must instead quote their expressions, or in some cases assign them to variables to avoid these issues. Storing expressions in variables can save time and mental overhead. However they still suffer from the same multi-line value issue, and thus complex generator expressions can quickly get out of hand.
For example, the mental overhead required to "unroll" the generator expressions displayed in the documentation is quite large:
set(is_gnu "$<CXX_COMPILER_ID:GNU>")
set(meet_requirements "$<AND:${is_gnu},${v5_or_later}>")
target_compile_definitions(tgt PRIVATE
However, CMake actually provides a way to write these generator expressions in a more simple manner through the use of string(CONCAT)
. The following is a real world source code example of IXM using string(CONCAT)
for a more complex generator expression:
string(CONCAT gnu/clang+languages $<OR:
string(CONCAT clang+languages $<OR:
# ...
This would be much harder (and much longer) to write using the "one set()
per line/expression" approach CMake's own documentation recommends.
Not all syntax highlighters and parsers are able to understand generator expressions when written in this way.
Custom Properties
CMake makes it fairly simple for a developer or user to create a custom target property. It is as simple as just setting the property directly on the target. However, this doesn't guarantee that the property will exist or be set in all cases, and it doesn't provide for a non-property based "default initialization" setting that most other CMake properties support. For this reason, users should turn to define_property
, a CMake command available when CMake is executing over a project.
This command allows users to set the "scope" of a property, whether it is inherited from parent scopes, and it's initial value based on a variable. Information on how property scoping and inheritance work can be found in the Properties section of Writing Scripts.
As mentioned previously in When To Use?, there are edge cases developers need to be aware of when using custom properties and using said properties in "chains" of generator expressions.
Let's use the prior example of the -Wformat
compile option.
As defined above, if we were to set the property with another generator expression, this would cause a compiler failure.
set_property(TARGET ${PROJECT_NAME}
The reason is that CMake does not know that it needs to perform a second generator expression evaluation. Thankfully this is easily resolved with the use of the two "multi level expression evaluation" expressions, $<TARGET_GENEX_EVAL>
. These expressions can be nested nearly ad infinitum, so if you would like to permit inputs to be a generator expression themselves, simply use them whenever possible.
Those with some familiarity of generator expressions might notice we've been using the $<TARGET_PROPERTY:property>
form instead of $<TARGET_PROPERTY:tgt,property>
. This form evaluates the generator expression directly on the consumer of the generator expression, rather than on the target it was set on. Typically, if you're using properties that you want to exist on a per-target basis, you'll want to use monadic version. However, if the behavior you run into is surprising, stick with the $<TARGET_PROPERTY:tgt,PROPERTY>
signature, or better yet simply use define_property
INHERITED # Mark as inherited so setting the property
# at the global or directory scope sets the default.
BRIEF_DOCS "Value to pass to -Wformat"
# Later on, we declare how the target will interact with this warning
However, remember that we can also affect properties at the directory scope for compile options, either by using add_compile_options
or setting the property manually, including the INTERFACE_COMPILE_OPTIONS
BRIEF_DOCS "Value to pass to -Wformat"
string(CONCAT warn-format $<${is-gnu}:
# We typically don't want warnings to be "viral" for dependents,
# so we *don't* set the `INTERFACE_COMPILE_OPTIONS` property here.
COMPILE_OPTIONS "${warn-format}")
# All targets declared after this point in this directory will now
# have their `WARN_FORMAT` property set to `2`, and have the
# `-Wformat` flag added to them.
Targets and Commands
Generator expressions come most in handy when working with add_custom_target
and add_custom_command
. This allows users to configure how a command might execute, while allowing users to set or modify the settings without having to have all the answers up front when creating a custom command or calling a function.
For example, CMake provides a find_package(MODULE)
for protobuf. This module provides a function, protobuf_generate
that provides nearly every configurable function as a named argument. However, there's nothing stopping someone from writing a version of this that relies on generator expressions instead, and then places the generated files directly onto the target.
This example is massively simplified compared to what the actual protobuf_generate
command CMake provides does, and does not take into account things like making sure the PROTOBUF_OUTPUT_DIR
exists prior to execution, as the protobuf compiler does not create --cpp_out
and other _out
First, we can allow for a custom output directory to exist for a given target by checking if a property exists or is set with a non-false value, and then supply our own fallback:
function (target_protobuf_generate target)
# We imitate `target_sources` but can't really do
# PUBLIC and INTERFACE without this example increasing
# in complexity.
cmake_parse_arguments(ARG "" "PRIVATE" "" ${ARGN})
# Users can optionally set a custom output directory
# If they don't *we* provide a fallback
string(CONCAT output-dir $<IF:
# Shortcuts for the property lookups
set(proto.options $<TARGET_PROPERTY:${target},PROTOBUF_OPTIONS>)
set(proto.plugins $<TARGET_PROPERTY:${target},PROTOBUF_PLUGINS>)
set(proto.paths $<TARGET_PROPERTY:${target},PROTOBUF_PATHS>)
# Where we "combine" the various multiple arguments
set(plugins --plugin=$<JOIN:${proto.plugins},$<SEMICOLON>--plugin=>)
set(paths --proto_path=$<JOIN:${proto.path},$<SEMICOLON>--proto_path=>)
set(options $<JOIN:${proto.options},$<SEMICOLON>>)
foreach (source IN LISTS ARG_PRIVATE)
set(basename $<PATH:GET_FILENAME,${source}>)
set(depfile $<PATH:APPEND,${output-dir},${basename}.d>)
# C++ source names are thankfully always the same.
set(generated-source $<PATH:APPEND,${output-dir},${basename}>)
set(generated-header $<PATH:APPEND,${output-dir},${basename}.pb.h>)
COMMAND protobuf::protoc
DEPFILE "${depfile}"
COMMENT "Compiling protobuf descriptor ${source}"
# Because this is a code generator step we can also force it to be
# generated and check intermediate stages by using the `codegen`
# target provided by CMake.
list(APPEND sources "${generated-source}")
# One might want to use a FILE_SET for the headers
# But that is a different story.
target_sources(${target} PRIVATE ${sources})
Now a module can provide target_proto_XXX
commands for setting the PROTOBUF_
properties mentioned in the command above, or users can set/modify them themselves.
Users could go a step further and implement a target_grpc_generate
command to handle both the protobuf and grpc files generated by the protobuf compiler.
There are limitations to what can be passed as a generator expression to add_custom_command
and this typically causes some friction when it is suggested to use generator expressions that are property based, specifically, the OUTPUT
parameter of a custom command cannot rely on target properties, but does permit some transformations such as $<PATH:...>
and $<LIST:...>
generator expressions.